Sidu: A Himachali Dish From the Kullu Valley.


Famous Sidu (or Siddu) is a kind of bread made from wheat flour. It is kneaded with yeast and the dough is allowed to rise for 4-5 hours. Sidu dough is yeast-based, it has to be prepared a couple of hours before you need it. It is normally eaten with ghee (clarified butter), dal (lentil broth) or with hari chutney.

Try this, I am sure tt’s really going to charge up your taste buds.


Preparation Time :15 Minutes

Cooking Time:20 Minutes

Ingredients Quantity
Wheat flour 2-1/2 cups
Dried yeast 2 teaspoon
Warm water 1/2 cup
Salt to taste
Paneer 100 gram
Green Chilly( chopped) 3
 Boiled green peas 100 gram
Walnuts(akhrot) 100 gram
Garlic and ginger 6 flakes garlic and 1/4 teaspoon grated ginger
 Roasted peanuts (moongfali) 50 gram
Sugar  1 tsp


1. Take warm water in a bowl and add yeast and sugar. Don’t mix it. Let it rest for 15 minutes to get foam on the top of bowl as you can see in the image below. Take wheat flour and 1/4 teaspoon salt into another bowl and add yeast-water mixture in the center of flour bowl.

step 1 sidu

2. Knead the flour well to make soft and smooth dough, you can add little water while kneading the dough. Cover the dough with polythene and keep it aside for 3 hours to get the dough double in size.

step 2 sidu

3. Take boiled green peas, roasted peanuts, walnuts, garlic flakes, green chilly, salt and ginger in a grinder and grind coarsely. Don’t add water while grinding. The stuffing should be dry. Add grated paneer to ground mixture and mix it well.

step 3 sidu

4. When the dough gets double in size, knead for another half minutes. Divide the dough into 4 equal portions. Take one portion of the dough and roll it like a thick chapatti using rolling pin. Then spread 2 tablespoon of the stuffing mixture over the center of the dough circle, leaving about 1/2 cm at the edge.

step 4 sidu

5.  Fold the dough in half  fold the edge back over on itself then pinch the edges to firmly seal. I used fork to seal the dough at edges. Now sidu is ready for steam cook. Steam cook the sidu for 15 minutes.

sidu step 5

6. Cut it horizontally. Serve hot with green chutney.

step 6 sidu

7. Enjoy!!


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