Krushers Recipe At Home | Chocolate Krusher

I am sure you might have tried the Krushers at KFC, and I am sure you might have loved it as well. Though the recipe was little tough to decode, I tried it at Home and it was almost of the same taste. You can add or remove the ingredients accordingly. Here is my version.

Preparation Time: 3 Minutes

Blend Time: 2 Minutes

Ingredients Quantity
Milk 1/2 liter
Chocolate 1 pack
Oreo Biscuit 5-6 no’s
Ice cubes 10-12
Sugar 2 teaspoon
Vanilla Ice cream 1 cup
Cookies For Topping


1. Mix vanilla ice cream, Oreo biscuit, milk, ice cubes and chocolate. Blend it for 2-3 minutes.

2. Pour in a glass and top with crushed oreo biscuit, chocolate and cookies.

3. Enjoy!!

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