Russian Salad (Salad Olivier)

Usually people outside of former-USSR call it Russian Salad, however its original name is Salad Olivier.

Preparation Time:15 Minutes

Cooking Time :10 Minutes

Ingredients Quantity
Carrot 3
Capsicum 2
Potato 3
Cabbage 100 Gram
Green Peas 100 gram
Pasta 50 Gram
Ground Black Pepper a large pinch
Mayonnaise By Taste
Tomato 1
Green Onion 1 bunch
Onion 1
Dill 1 bunch
Cucumber 2
Bologna 1 lb

Method : 1. Boil carrots and potatoes in advance . 2. Wash green onions and dill. 3. Skin boiled potatoes and dice them into small cubes . 4. Skin boiled carrots and dice them into the cubes of the same size . 5. Put diced carrots and potatoes into bowl. 6. Add peas into the bowl. 7. Dice bologna, add to the bowl. 8. Dice cucumbers and add it into the bowl. 9. Chop green onions and dill, add to the bowl. 10. Mix everything, season with ground black pepper and add salt if you feel it is needed. Add mayonnaise and mix everything again. 11.  Put salad to the bowl. 12 .Russian Salad is Ready . 13. Enjoy!!

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